I never had younger siblings hanging around for me to help out with. I did a little babysitting when I was in high school, but the kids were 7 and 9 years old and "babysitting" meant hanging out, watching 90210, and eating dinner on their Dad's country club tab... not too shabby.
Needless to say, I have approximately zero hours of baby training. I've never even changed a diaper. When friend's babies end up in my arms, I usually give them back pretty quickly, but only because I'm not sure what I should do with them.
As we're getting ready for Chuy's parole, I'm learning more and more about the mysterious world of babies... today's lesson... apparently, they drool... alot.
There's so much drool, in fact, that you need to be armed with things like bibs... and towels...
Thank goodness for Baby Stuff by Aranzi Aronzo! *yes, when I said I was going to make every single project in this book, I wasn't kidding*
Check out these awesome drool towels...

So cute - even if I do say so myself!
There's two different kinds here... Flimsy Bear...

...and Flopsy Bunny...

They were super dups easy to make - just a little terrycloth fabric, some felt for the eyes, and a bit of embroidery floss for the noses and mouths - that's it!
Best of all, apparently babies like to chew on the arms and legs of the Bear and the Bunny too - so, while he's being entertained, he's also staying drool-free, which makes this borderline OCD clean freak mom-to-be just a little bit more calm about the drool situation.