I made a deal with the
Hubs last weekend.
The deal was this... if Chuy decided to arrive before midnight on Sunday, May 31st, I would agree to his middle name choice... which is Tuscadero... yes, of Pinkie and Leather fame.
Unfortunately for the Hubs, May 31st came and went, Chuy still hasn't decided to arrive, and Tuscadero is officially off the table.
However, I have no middle name choice to replace it with... what's a girl that doesn't want to name her son Tuscadero supposed to do?
Thankfully, our friends
Vickie and
Dave came to the rescue!
I present to you their list -
Project Middle Name: the 80s Edition... oh, and yes, Chuy's name really isn't Chuy... but we all knew that, didn't we?- Quinn Fletcher (Fletch)
- Quinn Michael J. Fox
- Quinn Duckman

Pretty In Pink is most likely my favorite movie of all times. Duckie is one of my all time favorite characters. Thanks to him and an early high school almost boyfriend, I discovered the Smiths... you see where this is going, but, yes, Duckman is a viable option.
- Quinn Bastian
- Quinn Atreyu
- Quinn Gmork
- Quinn Ghostbuster
- Quinn Willis (Either Bruce or Drummond)
- Quinn Indiana or Indy
- Quinn Jones
- Quinn Elliot
- Quinn Nakatomi - nice - yes, I think the Hubs would like to name the baby after the building in Die Hard...
- Quinn McFly
- Quinn One Eyed Willy
- Quinn Solo
- Quinn Knightrider
- Quinn Kitt
- Quinn Airwolf
- Quinn Labyrinth
- Quinn Dr. Emmett Brown
- Quinn Obi Wan
- Quinn Vader
- Quinn Skywalker
- Quinn Bueller
- Quinn Ferris
- Quinn Billy Jean (is not my lover)
- Quinn "the heart of rock 'n' roll"
- Quinn Rosco
- Quinn Duke
- Quinn Snake Eyes
- Quinn Thundercat
- Quinn Voltron
- Quinn Doogie

I love Neil Patrick Harris so much, it hurts. Doogie is on my short list, but the Hubs thinks it should be his entire name, in quotes, with the MD after it...
- Quinn Axel
- Quinn Thriller
- Quinn Mad Max - no way, I couldn't even make it beyond the Thunderdome...
- Quinn Riggs
- Quinn Maverick

I think this might be my #1 favorite name on this list... Quinn Maverick... totally sounds not only awesome, but a little bit mysterious too...
- Quinn Iceman
- Quinn Goose
- Quinn Ramboo
- Quinn Balboa
- Quinn Dundee
- Quinn Miyagi
- Quinn Daniel-san
- Quinn Jackson
- Quinn Connor
- Quinn Footloose
- Quinn Hungry Eyes
- Quinn Pee-Wee
- Quinn Beetlejuice
- Quinn Montoya (both Inigo & Vickie--my maiden name) ;)
- Quinn Benjamin
- Quinn Jake Ryan

Yes Yes Yes!!! Oh, so, just because I name my son Jake Ryan doesn't mean the real Jake Ryan will appear? Bummer... never mind...
- Quinn Wyld Stallyns
- Quinn Rufus
- Quinn Bill & Ted
- Quinn Wyatt
- Quinn Kelly LaBrock
- Quinn St. Elmo
- Quinn Gizmo
- Quinn Cooper
- Quinn Duran
- Quinn Morrissey
- Quinn Jett
- Quinn Blackheart
- Quinn RoboCop
- Quinn Jovi - this is a fav as well - I never knew until a couple years ago, that if you put Bon Jovi's Greatest Hits on, I know EVERY WORD to EVERY SONG... not even kidding... it was frightening...
- Quinn Poison
- Quinn Boingo
- Quinn Elfman
- Quinn Devo
- Quinn DMC
- Quinn Scissorhands
- Quinn Rorschach
- Quinn Grayskull
- Quinn Gargamel
- Quinn Rubik
- Quinn Karma Chameleon
- Quinn Ash (Bruce Campbell)
Thanks so much Vickie and Dave! We had a tiny list of a couple names that we weren't sure about - now we have tons of options... although, I have noticed that there's one particular name that's been left off this list... I'm certain it was an oversight and not some weird hang up about this person, their angelic voice, or their most awesome band...
What about Quinn Steve Perry?