This week, I packed you a bag, strapped you into your car seat, took you for a drive, then dropped you off with strangers for hours while I went to work.
Okay, fine, they're not really strangers and I do pay them to watch you, but why do I feel like I've completely abandoned you on a daily basis?
Over and over - one stupid day after another?
I knew this phase would be difficult - I knew I would be sad on Day Care Day One, but I was not prepared for the complete heartbreak that occurs literally every morning around 9:29am (because you have to be there at 9:30) when I hand you off to the nice lady, you fuss, I tell you it's okay, you look at me and flash a huge smile... then I leave you...
I hate this. Truly. Hate.
There has to be a better way?
Love, Mommy
P.S. You are one smart looking fellow in your Bumbo chair...