Dear Chuy,
One year ago today, I wasn't feeling very well - tired, hungry, nauseous, etc... so, I went to Target on my lunch break and bought a pregnancy test... and then it came up positive... and then I texted your Daddy that he might want to come home from work early because I had something to tell him... yes, I told your Dad that we were pregnant through the magic of texting.
I can't begin to explain the journey that began that day, but what I can say is this - I'm so very happy that two pink lines turned up on that test that day and am even happier that you made it to the outside world safe and sound...
So, now you're four months old and have already started to get your first tooth! What? Huh? Tooth? Really? Yes, I said tooth!
You've also moved into sleeping in your crib at night - which is going far better than I expected it would - it's still a little weird putting you down and leaving the room, but you seem to be doing just fine with it.
In other news, your Halloween costume is complete! I won't spoil the entire outfit here and now, but will give a sneak peek at how cute you look in the hat portion...

Speaking of hats, I tried out working with fleece for the first time this past week - whipping up not one but two warm winter hats for you - here's the dinosaur hat...

...and here you are in your skeleton outfit with matching pirate hat that I found in the dollar spot at Target - wow, keep mentioning the Target here on this post today - it's quickly turning into my favorite store...

Are you almost smiling while you look directly at the camera? Weird... are you okay?