Happy Nine Month Birthday last week and Happy St. Patty's Day today!
You're a funny little guy. All of a sudden, one day last week, right around your nine month birthday, you started doing all sorts of new tricks all at the same time... as though you had a baby checklist that you were trying to complete.
Scooting backwards turned into this crazy little Quasimodo frontwards scoot/ crawl, which pretty quickly has turned into an army crawl. You still don't care to use your knees at all, instead, you just reach and grasp with your arms and scoot along on your belly... pretty awesome stuff.
Last Sunday morning, I heard you waking up, so, I came to fetch you - and here's what I found...

Since your crawl/ scoot has become fast and furious, we also decided that it was time for a baby gate... crazy, huh? The cats aren't fond of this set up, but they'll get over it... literally... :)

Bath time remains the same - you love to splash around - I just had to include this pic in your nine month blog because you are so freakin adorable...

You have been completely enamored by your Rowdy Roddy Piper Horse lately. He's your bestest horsie friend ever in the whole world...

So, yesterday your Walking Wings arrived. You see, since you've been crawling and scooting, you've also been getting really good at pulling yourself up to standing and almost cruising around the furniture...
I thought this little harness would be just the thing to get you on the road to walksville...
Unfortunately, before we strapped you into this contraption, your Daddy scared the beJesus out of you with a laughing monkey toy...
Needless to say, you weren't in the best of moods to try a new situation like these Wings...

As of today, you are 40 weeks old... which is very significant to me. You have now officially spent the exact same amount of time out of my belly that you spent inside my belly. Which seems crazy - it all just goes by so fast...