Last week, you turned 10 months old. Less than two months until your 1st Birthday. Can you believe it? Where did the time go? This was seriously the quickest 10 months of my entire life.
You're on the verge of a major major major baby milestone... walking... walking? walking!
We got you a little clackity clack alligator push cart and you love it.
You always look so determined and serious when you push your cart down the hallway. I've made up a song about you and your 'baby work' - remind me sometime, I'll sing it for you...
You've also taken to cruising around all the furniture - mostly to get to kitties who, thanks to your mobility and lack of volume control, want little to do with your company at the moment.
Tis a shame too, because you have much love for these beasts... your Father and I don't quite understand what you see in them, but you don't have to clean their litter box, so, perhaps that has something to do with it.

Another new 10-month-old situation? Eating.
You've decided that baby food fed by spoon is for babies, not big strong 10-month-olds with 'baby work' to be done.
You now prefer your food on a plate, bite sized, not too hot, and make it snappy!
Thankfully, your plate has a suction cup on the bottom of it, even though said suction cup was no match for your brute strength last night... but hopefully you'll figure out not to throw your plate across the room at some point... right?

Easter was a couple weeks ago and you and your classmates at escuela had a fine time 'hunting' for eggs.
Easter Sunday, we had our family and friends over for a good ol fashioned Easter dinner - complete with pot roast, au gratin potatoes, and green bean casserole- it was good times.

All in all, we had a great month - as usual - watching you grow taller, watching your hair start to get curly, just simply being amazed at the fact that you exist and you're our son... it's still so crazy to me.