You're ONE YEAR OLD!!!
Well, actually, you're one year and a couple weeks, we've been busy swimming and having fun, so, not a lot of time left to blog about it... Anywhoo...
Your mommy has been having a bit of trouble accepting that her precious little tiny baby boy is no longer a baby. You're a toddler now. You walk all around the house like a crazy man, you go to big boy escuela now where you have to do grown up things like wear shoes and drink from a sippy cup. It's so exciting to see how much you are changing and growing, but my tender mommy heart misses her tiny little newborn baby sometimes (though, I will say, I don't miss getting up every two hours in the night to feed you)...
We had a killer, white hot, over the top, kind of ridiculous, super awesome 1st Birthday Party for you and Clover over at Auntie Vic and Uncle Dave's house. What started as a 'tiny hat' theme ballooned into a full on Alice In Wonderland Mad Hatter tea party!
Here's a pic of you and Clo in your fancy pants outfits...

Here's Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Hatter...
One of your Auntie Vic's friends made the most beautiful tiny hat cakes for you and Clover...
We decided to strip you both down to your diapers (though Clover is still wearing her Mary Jane's... cause she's a lady...) and let you go crazy on your tiny cakes...

Here you are blowing out your very first birthday candle...
I was so incredibly proud of the moment when we sang happy birthday to you and Clo - it brought a tear to my eye.
Then, you and Clo got down to business...
I did manage to get a bite of your cake - it was the most delicious cake I think I've ever tasted. It's almost a shame that you guys were set on 'total cake destruction' mode, only a couple bites actually ended up in your mouths.
On your actual birthday, we opened presents at home. Here's a pic with you and a small portion of your birthday loot. You are one spoiled little mister - you got soooooo many presents from all your friends and family.
We took you out shopping and then had pancakes for dinner - mommy favorite (and hopefully yours too)!
Of course, we also had to have a B-Day celebration at escuela too - here's a pic of you with your buddy AJ...

Then, you and Clo got down to business...

On your actual birthday, we opened presents at home. Here's a pic with you and a small portion of your birthday loot. You are one spoiled little mister - you got soooooo many presents from all your friends and family.

Of course, we also had to have a B-Day celebration at escuela too - here's a pic of you with your buddy AJ...
Your B-Day party was also your last day at your baby escuela. You see, there's another location of the same escuela that's only a mile from our house, so, I moved you. It hurt to leave all of your teachers and friends, we both miss them terribly, but it is so nice that it only takes 15 minutes to pick you up now - instead of an hour.
Happy happy birthday, my sweet little boy. I can't believe we've made it a whole year. I can't believe how much you've grown. I can't believe that you're walking and soon you'll be talking up a storm.
It is so incredibly crazy how fast this year has flown by. I can't even imagine my life without you - I love you so very very much and I can't wait to see what you'll be up to in year number 2!