Dear Chuy,
Can you believe it? You are one year and one month old! We're totally rocking out your second year on the planet... pretty cool, huh?
You have been changing soooo very much in the past couple weeks. For one thing, I think your head has gotten bigger - it's very difficult to get your shirt over your head nowadays...
You're also really super duper into reading books, having books read to you, bringing us books to read, even sitting in our laps and turning the pages. It's been really cool to see you start to realize what sounds animals make and that you remember where the 'touch and feel' parts of your farm peek-a-boo book are.

You've also figured out how to climb the couch - and you've gotten pretty sneaky about it. Turns out, when you walk behind me and then get perfectly quiet and still... you're up to something, and that 'something' is climbing the couch like a little monkey. Here you are trying to get your Daddy over the arm of the couch - danger, danger!

We celebrated the Fourth of July at home with your BFF Clover, Auntie Vic, and Uncle Dave. We started the day watching the Nathan's Famous Hot Dog eating contest (also known as the one time during the year that we tune to ESPN), then had our friends over for a cook-out. It was good fun, you ate a whole 1/4 pound Kosher hot dog plus beans and corn... you're hungry!

You had a fun party at escuela too - here you are with your friends... funny how your plate is empty, but everyone else has a full one... my boy is hungry!

Your cousin Logan celebrated his 2nd birthday on July 9th - we went down and had ourselves a cook-out that weekend - it was tons of fun!

Logan has all sorts of big boy toys that you had much fun borrowing... like this awesome slide!

Your teacher at escuela, Miss Jasmine, loves to take pictures as much as I do - she's been e-mailing me what you've been up to while you're at school... how fun! Here you are playing with the sprinkler during water play...

...and here you are playing with a cool steering wheel toy on the playground... I've also seen you enjoying that awesome tractor tire there behind you...
Happy 13th month, my funny sunny boy!
I predict more fun, sun, swimming, and good times before summer is over.