Today is my 35th birthday! That's right, your Mommy is officially an old lady. "Middle Aged"... sounds dreadful, doesn't it? Thankfully, I don't act like I'm a grown up very often, so, at least there's that.
You, my son my son, are 14 months old this month! Crazy! This time last year, you were recovering from a battle with some pesky viral menengitis and I was questioning the whole 'day care' decision and feeling bad for my sick little baby. This year, you're happy, healthy as a horse, and thriving at your escuela - thank goodness!
So, what have we been up to lately? Well, we've been holding off getting your hair cut because it's never been cut before... and they're your sweet little baby hairs... and I couldn't bring myself to admit that my tiny little baby is a big bad toddler that has some crazy Bill Murray hair going on.
We decided on just a trim, just around the neck and ears and that our buddy Stacy was the lady for the job!

Thankfully, it was all over quickly and Stacy let you play with a comb and help sweep up hair.
In other news, you've really been into reading your books lately - especially if they are peek-a-boo books. This particular book is a farm peek-a-boo that makes animal noises when you lift the flaps. It's pretty darn entertaining. You're even starting to make the animal noises along with the book. Too cute.
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I'm so thankful that your teacher at escuela, Miss Jasmine, likes to take pictures as much as I do! Here you are at school finger painting...
I think you might be enjoying yourself just a little bit... :)
I can't believe how fast you grow. I can never believe how big you are. I am never surprised at how smart you are - you're my super baby genius. It is so much fun watching you learn and explore.
P.S. This pic of you and Daddy is too much - I love both of my boys!