You are 15 months old this month and you are rocking and rolling! Your walking has turned into running, and your babbles have turned into crazy words and almost sentences. When Daddy left for school the other day, you looked out the window, waved, and said 'Buh bye puppy baby!'...
You've been getting better at eating with a spoon as well. Most of the time, the item that you scoop up actually ends up in your mouth. There was one day in particular however that we seemed to take a step backwards... spaghetti day.
They feed you spaghetti at escuela and you never come home covered head to toe in it, so, they must have some sort of magical day care trick that I don't know about...
I'm not sure why Daddy decided that you needed a giant plastic fork, but he gave you one, and here's what happened...

You've really been into pillow forts lately - which I think is so cute! I used to be way into pillow forts too - like Mommy like Son I guess. It's so cute how you want us to build them around you. You'll just sit and play with your puppy or Mrs. Hoppel inside the fort...

You've realized in the past few weeks that walking is fun, running is more fun, but climbing things is most certainly where it's at. Here you are trying to scale the arm of the couch with assist from the Lego bucket...

Having snacks with Logan at your Bachan's house. She got you two that cute little table to sit and eat at... like big boys!
All in all, we had ourselves another super busy but fun month. I can't believe how much you are talking and using your sign language - it's so crazy to be able to communicate through language with you. I'm not sure I'm ready to have full blown conversations yet (tender Mommy heart and all), but I'm down with talking about where Daddy is and if you can get into the bubbles (bath)...