You're 16 months old! What the?
Lately, we've noticed a significant change in how you perceive and understand the world around you. You are much more aware of stuff and you are starting to recognize and say what things are... "Puppy!", "Owl!", "Shoes!".
You are also more sensitive to things - like the never ending train parade that happens behind our house, or the day we scared the Grilled Cheesus out of you at Target by pushing the 'try me' button on the Big Foot display... sorry about that, it will never happen again...
Your Halloween costume is complete. I will not be unveiling it until we go to our Halloween party this weekend, but here is a pic of you wearing one of the key accessories...

You've always been a fan of puppets, but lately, you want to be in charge of them. They are no longer fun when on Mommy or Daddy's hand, but are a total laugh riot when you're wearing one!

We made you your first P, B, & J sammie. You loved it. It was peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat at our house...

This is your most favoritest book on your most favoritest subject ever in the history of books about subjects. You are a man obsessed with puppies. Seriously. It's kinda crazy. I'm not sure if we've mentioned this to you yet, um... but... we're CAT people. No dogs in our house.

Your GM Aubrey made you your very first dookie chain. It was a little hard getting photographic evidence of you wearing it, but here's the best we could do...
You've decided that walking was cool, walking on tippie toes was awesome, and walking backwards was the shiz... but climbing stuff is off the baby chain!
Here you are climbing Mount Laundry Basket.
You are going to give your poor mother a heart attack.