Dear Chuy,
Now that I'm finally getting around to writing your 21 month blog, you're already 22 months old... can you believe it? You're almost 2 years old... 2 YEARS OLD!!!! Still can't believe that my sweet precious little tiny baby is an almost 2 year old. Nuts.

Lately, you've been into hanging out in the back yard, which is awesome because we have a huge back yard that we barely ever used and it is perfect for burning off extra toddler energy. You'll be climbing these trees by yourself in no time.

I found this totally awesome baby rake at a local garden shop. I thought it would be so cute to see you rake the leaves with a rake your size... not use it as a weapon to ward off your own mommy... so mean...

Here's a pic of you and Daddy playing soccer/ rake as the train goes by. You sure do love that train!

This particular evening, you decided that your high chair is for babies only and that a mature man like yourself should sit in a big chair to share fake pears with Daddy...

Tooth brushin and throwing mad plaid styles...

Your sunnies... you call them 'EYES!' and that's what you say until we put them on for you... then you request 'OFF!!' until we take them off of you, at which point you say 'EYES!' until we put them on for you, then...

This picture was taken before the great bath accident of 2011, wherein the baskety thing on a pole that holds our soap and accessories kinda got loosened by one Mr. Toddler man and then it kinda fell into the tub where it kinda bumped you in the nose. Now baths are around 7 minutes of screaming terror... good times...

Oh snap! The Rodeo came to town and we were all over it. I heard they had a monkey named Bandit that dressed up like a cowboy and rode a dog around a track. Once we arrived, there was no Bandit, but there were many other awesome attractions...

Like PONY RIDES!!! You were so amazingly excited to ride the pony. I honestly felt really bad for those ponies that day, but that's another story for another day.

PETTING ZOO! Oh man, you were running around like a crazy person petting all these poor poor animals...

A real live Texas Longhorn! This thing was huge. I had to get a pic of you with it - it's not everyday we see a real live Texas Longhorn despite the fact that our friends in different states think we all wear hats and boots and ride horses to work...
You are on a non-stop crash course with turning 2. I still can't believe how fast this has all gone. It seems like only yesterday I could put you on a blanket and you would just hang there and play with your toes... it also seems like a lifetime ago...