I always liked how calm and serene this room was when it was my sewing room. We always joked that if we had a boy, we wouldn't have to paint the room, it was ready to go...
...that is until we actually found out we were having a boy... at which point, my super relaxing blue room became completely unacceptable...
Must have green. Not just any green, mind you... the brightest, craziest green I could possible get my hands on...
Let's back up a little... here's the inspiration room... courtesy of Oh Dee Doh...
Cute, right? Sure is a bright green, isn't it?
Since we both agreed that we liked the inspiration room, it was time to get started...
The Hubs has a slight obsession with making sure all the painting supplies are perfectly clean and in "like new" condition... Personally, I could care if it's clean - once the old paint dries, it's kinda like a clean slate, no?
Even though the Doc said painting was not harmful, I still picked the lowest VOC paint I could find and purchased this nifty mask - it's made especially for painting fumes. It actually came in handy as the smell without the mask was overwhelming. My awesome Ghostface Killah shirt is courtesy of the Hubs and also the only old t-shirt we own that fits me at the moment...
Okay, on to the room...
Wow... that is one heck of a bright green room...
What have we done?
I'm not sure if I'm laughing or crying, but this was the point in the day when we figured out that we had turned a perfectly fine blue boy's room into an Acid Green Nightmare Factory...
So, the next day, we started on color number 2... Here's a little Noelle fun fact for you - I can't possibly paint a room just one color anymore, they all have to be at least two colors, sometimes more.
I had this idea to do big circles all in a row on the wall the crib will be on - just to give it some interest and because I'm afraid to hang any pictures above where my baby will sleep - what with all the trains that go by right past our backyard fence...
I was a little aprehensive after the Acid Green Nightmare Factory day previously, but knew it was going to be okay, or at least I hoped it was...
I'm pretty sure I'm smiling in this one - the circles and the color were exactly what I wanted!
The Hubs filling in all the circles that I outlined... he's such a good helper...
Finished dot wall! I'm really happy with it.
I think once we get some furniture in there, maybe hang up a picture or two, and most importantly, the custom blind that I ordered needs to arrive, because around 5:30 or so each day, the sun shines so brightly in that window... it casts an Acid Green Nightmare Factory shadow into the hallway... like some sort of nuclear experiment gone terribly wrong...
I really think it looks great, and I dig the circles.
Well, hello Auntie John - I do believe this is the first time we've chatted... although my husband speaks fondly of you often... :) I'm glad you like it - it's really growing on me too and I'm excited to get furniture and fabrics in the mix...
Hi Mrs. C.: Actually, I have been meaning to email you about the personalized fabrics from Spoonflower. I saw your post on it a whiles back, and was wondering if you ordered anything from them... and if so, what are your thoughts. Is it worth it?
Oh, awesome! I did end up ordering a swatch from Spoonflower - of my LuckyKitty logo - it turned out great. I highly recommend them - they were fast, the print was high quality, and the price is somewhat reasonable... I also like that you can order other people's designs as well, if you fancy that...
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