Man... so much has happened to you since I last wrote. Where to start? Where did we leave off? Oh yes, day care...
You attended that particular day care for less than two weeks. I didn't mention this to you earlier, but the director of old day care sold it to some random people one week before we started taking you there... and never mentioned it to us... pretty lame, huh? Well, it gets worse.
Your first week, you caught a virus from one of the yucky kids there. Unfortunately for you, your virus turned into viral meningitis and you were hospitalized for two days. I was completely freaked out and took the next week off from work to take care of you.
The last place I ever wanted to return to was that place, but your Daddy and I thought that perhaps the worst is over - kids get sick - yada yada... So, we went back.
Your second week, the ladies that usually take care of you there weren't working one day. Instead, the new director and her assistant were in the baby room. Once we arrived home, I discovered that they hadn't changed your diaper THE WHOLE TIME YOU HAD BEEN THERE... all day... 6 hours... WTF.
So, we're done. We're not going back there ever again, and yes, I did report them, thanks for asking!
But Mom, where am I going to go now?
Don't worry boy - I have not one, but two fantastic new options for you - just trying to figure out which one is more awesome, but I assure you, people will be changing your diaper all the time from now on.
In other news, we went to your buddy Evan's 1st Birthday party. It was a tiny mustache party...

Oh, and I got you a jumpy seat... which seems to be mysterious to you...

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