Dear Chuy,
You are 5 months and two days old today and oh my goodness, you're rocking and rolling!
You've got not one, not two, but THREE teeth making their debut in your mouth.
What's up with three teeth already? You really do want a biscuit, don't you?
Well, we haven't gotten all the way to biscuits yet, but we have tried rice cereal and sweet potato.
You don't seem to be a fan of the rice cereal and I can't say I blame you for that - it's kinda yucky.

In celebration of you starting solid foods, I though I should whip up some special 'big boy eats solid food' bibs for you to use when we eat from a spoon...

You've also added reaching for objects to your list of 'things that I can do' this past week.
We were hanging out making chicken in a packet for dinner the other night and you helped me by tenderizing not only the onion, but the brussel sprouts and squash as well!

Your Godmother Aubrey blew into town for the weekend and we caught up with her at the Whole Foods - man, she loves her some Baby Quinn, I tell you what!

It's almost Thanksgiving and I'm so looking forward to celebrating your first one - you are what I am thankful for this year... and maybe we'll finally let you have that biscuit you've been craving...
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