You've been 7 months old for a couple weeks now, but, I'm a bad bloggy mommy and haven't gotten around to documenting it until today... oh well...
It's only because we've been so busy enjoying ourselves, I haven't had much alone time with the computer, but I'm not complaining about that!
So, what have we been up to?
Well, first up, we made the executive decision that you are too big a boy for your sweet little baby swing. We donated it to your escuela so that the smaller babes in your class can swing in style. Since we were down one large baby item in the living room, we all headed over to the Babies R Us and picked out a Jumparoo!

I can't believe you're almost 8 months old. I feel so lucky to have been blessed with such a happy, smart, cute, easy going, super awesome little dude.
I'm excited to see you do your new tricks like rolling over and over, scooting around (on your back, which is kinda weird... you should try it on your tummy), making kissing noises, waving bye bye (to yourself), eating new and different foods, saying Dadadadada when your happy and Mamamama when you're super pissed.
These milestones are bittersweet - you're so much more interactive, but you are no longer my little tiny baby boy - you're my big strong monster baby boy... at least you still like to hang out in my lap and suck your thumb when you're sleepy...