Dear Chuy,
Happy New Year! Can you believe that it's 2010? I'm still getting used to the idea that we're starting a new decade... not just a new year.
2009 was one of the best years of my life, thanks in no small part to your arrival. I'm so excited to see how much you grow and develop in the coming year - you'll be crawling, walking, talking, celebrating your 1st birthday - all sorts of incredible stuff!
So, today, while you nap, I'm gonna make us a black-eye pea and sausage stew - for good luck, and Daddy and I are going to take down the Christmas tree.
Your first holiday season is complete - I think you had fun - it's too bad you won't remember any of it, but I took about a million pictures that I can bore you with when you're bigger.
Happy Happy New Year, baby boy. I hope that 2010 brings you all sorts of new adventures, lots of love, and many more good times with your Daddy and I and all your friends.
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