What? You're 11 months old already? How did that happen?
Better question... when did you stop looking like a little baby and start looking like a little boy?
Huh? When?
Your Mother's tender heart would like to know because she just can't take it. Where'd my baby go?
You've been spending more and more time doing your 'baby work'. What's funny is that I know you could totally walk on your own if you wanted to - you just choose to use the furniture and the walls and this here cart for balance. Daddy and I have both seen you just let go and stand on your own, however... maybe by your 1st birthday?
Here you are helping Daddy do the dishes. You are so completely your Father's son - you LOVE watching Daddy do the dishes - you cry when I take you away to go and play...
For Mother's Day, we took you to the Children's Museum. We all had a blast - you especially loved looking at the fishies... then we all had pancakes for dinner... cause that's what Mommies like!
My sweet boy made this for me at escuela - it's paper that's full of seeds, so I can plant it and watch it grow!
Your Auntie Regina came for a visit last weekend - we had much fun! I can't believe you're actually smiling in this picture - too bad I look like a wreck, but you and Auntie Gigi look great!
Through the magic of science and technology, I am now able to post videos to your blog. Yay! Thanks to Auntie Gigi's fancy schmancy camera. This video is of you playing with a spoon at Casa Maria. You are such a silly rabbit.
I can't believe that in 20 days you're going to be 1 year old. Can't believe it! This has truly been the best year ever and I just can't wait to see what you'll be up to in year 2.
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