The great blog catch up continues... you are much older than 23 months at the time that I am writing this, but let's see if we can't jump in our 'wayback machine' and do some remembering about what we were up to... ready? GO!
We went to Aquarena Springs in San Marcos to celebrate Mother's Day together. We took a glass bottom boat ride, strolled around an aquarium and enjoyed the day together. Turns out Aquarena Springs used to be way cooler with a swimming pig and dancing mermaids back in the day, but Six Flags and Sea World moved in and changed everything.
I will say I was a bit disappointed to hear that the swimming pig no longer swam, but we had fun regardless. Here you are showing your appreciation for your mother on Mother's Day...

Your sports obsession continues and gets stranger by the day. I went to the kitchen to grab you some more water and in the 25 or so seconds it took to do that, you grabbed the remote control, turned the channel to ladies golf, and managed to start recording it... really? The only sport more boring than golf has got to be ladies golf...

Here you are with the dog pound... I like how you are all piled up in the corner of the crib... and to think, just a few short months ago, I was terrified to let you sleep with any stuffed friends in the crib, but you're a big boy now, so, I think you can handle it...

I like how all the other kiddos are happily hunting for eggs while you are having a blast throwing ping pong balls as though the are baseballs and you're playing in the World Series... too funny...
Here you are before brunch in your Easter best... gotta love that clip on tie...

Our fancy brunch! The only person missing is your Auntie Vic, who was taking the pic of the rest of us...
Super happy fun time family portrait on Easter... Look at that lake! No?

They had a petting zoo at the restaurant... You l.o.v.e.d. it - mostly because there were ducks to chase and geese to feed... good times...

You and Clo spent the bulk of your time at Daddy's graduation trying to escape from Daddy's graduation...

Daddy's Graduation party - quite the array of guests - a pirate AND a cowboy attended...

They had a petting zoo at the restaurant... You l.o.v.e.d. it - mostly because there were ducks to chase and geese to feed... good times...
Pretty darn big deal... Your Uncle Matt, Bachan, Auntie Vic, and Clover all were there to help celebrate! Poor Auntie Vic, always taking the picture means you're never in the picture!

You and Clo spent the bulk of your time at Daddy's graduation trying to escape from Daddy's graduation...

Daddy's Graduation party - quite the array of guests - a pirate AND a cowboy attended...
I'm glad to see you've been practicing your Handsome Boy Modeling School moves. Your teacher at escuela, Ms. Niecy, says that you're going to have to get a job soon to support your lunch habit... looks like professional male modeling might be a good option...

23 months old means you're only 4 short weeks from being a 2 year old. WHAT??? Are you kidding me??? What have we done...

23 months old means you're only 4 short weeks from being a 2 year old. WHAT??? Are you kidding me??? What have we done...
p.s. Everytime I look at the picture I think you've got your best Joe Pesci voice on and you're saying 'ay... oh... fuggit about it'...