19 months, huh? That's crazy!
I am, once again, a little bit late getting to the blog this month, so, yet another bit of catching up to do... how's about we do it with a handy dandy photo montage?
Your Grandpa and Granny Sandy came to visit a week or so before Christmas. None of y'all would look at the camera, so, here is a study in profiles... I'm so curious to know what you're thinking in this pic - you look so serious...

We went over to our buddies Swede and Catherine's house for some fondue fun. Here you are taking a break from the dipping goodness... oh how we love to dip things in cheese in our family...
Christmas Eve was spent over at Clover's house - we had much fun, lots of tamales, I think there were 4 different kinds of pie there (and yes, we sampled them all), and you and Clo both got awesome reindeer courtesy of your Nana Libby (Clover's Nana).
This pic is one of about 273 taken on two different cameras and up to four iPhones in an attempt to capture the two of you dressed in Christmas finery... in front of a Christmas tree... smiling at the same time...
I think we did pretty good capturing the moment and I wish we had a picture of all of us being complete crazy people behind the camera as we tried to get you both to smile...
Christmas morning was just us three as a little family and it was fantastic! Santa was very kind to you (and me) - bringing you lots and lots of toys and a cool art easel and bringing me an awesome Shark steam vac... woot!
The first gift you went for was your buddy Elmo, or as you call him, "MELMO!!!!". Santa was kind and left MELMO!!!! unwrapped so that you could play with him immediately upon discovery.
Your Bachan got you a most awesome Dyson vaccuum - it actually works, has attachments, and makes a cool noise. You have much love for your new vaccuum and you are most definitely your Father's son...
Auntie Regina sent the cutest Christmas outfit ever. We all love penguins in our house... specially when they're wearing tuxedos!
She even sent penguin socks to match... cause she's good like that...
On New Year's Eve, we invited some of our friends over for chili and tiramisu cheesecake...
Once again, the crazy parents decided that we needed a picture of all three of you baby-types together, sitting still, and possibly smiling... Weezy has you and Clo beat on the sitting still. I do like how you managed to steal that poor baby's teething giraffe. You toddlers are tough.
Here's a pic of the kids table at our New Years shindig - you, Tanner, Tristan, and Clo all enjoying some chili and cornbread!
Here is a very rare photo of the three of us together all at the same time. These types of pics don't happen very often...
So, here we are - it's almost February, you're almost 20 months old, and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. You are so chatty and funny lately it's an absolute joy to be in your presence (with the exception of the few times that you need to just lay on the floor and scream for no reason...).
I can't wait to celebrate 'Baby's Second Valentine's Day' with you and as always, I'm so excited to see what new tricks you'll have up your sleeve in the next month.
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