Monday, October 5, 2009

No papparazzi, please...

My in-laws always joke that if you even so much as remove your camera from it's case around me, I will automatically pose and smile for it. Maybe it's all the theatre I did as a kid, maybe it's my Leo nature, but I never met a camera I didn't like.

My son, on the other hand, has a mission - to never ever look directly at a camera and to certainly never ever smile for one. It's become his life's work and he's very dedicated to his cause.

Over the weekend, I decided that since it's officially October now, that we could start dressing him in his Halloween pajamas. He looked so cute and was so smiley about it, I grabbed the camera. What followed has been documented below...

I swear to you, he would be looking, posing, smiling, etc. right up until I would click to take a picture, then he would turn his head away lightening fast... like an anti-picture ninja...

Hopefully this is just a phase? At least his Daddy and I know that he is a smiley happy baby - we just don't have photographic evidence to back up our case...

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