Okay, well, not quite famous, but I did happen to mention to the fine folk over at Stencil 1 that we had a great time using their book Stencil 101 to make our bibs...
...and they just so happened to blog about it on their site yesterday...
Check it out here!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
More Baby Bibs!
Finally! The patterned baby bibs are complete!
My boy Chuy now has 10 custom made bibs courtesy of his mom and pop and the fabulousness that is Stencil 101.
The first six on muslin and the remaining 4 on various scraps of fabric I had in my stash... check it out!

I used plain white terrycloth as the back - figured it would be soft and would soak up various liquids well...
Now, to make a cute baby hat out of some awesome hot rod car fabric... because all babies need hot rod sun hats, don't cha think?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
38 Weeks!
Dear Chuy,
Today marks 38 weeks and two days that you've lived in my belly.
We have 13 days until our due date.
It's been an amazing journey with you - starting with my magical ability to make two pink lines appear on multiple home pregnancy tests... seeing your tiny little pea shaped body on the ultrasound machine for the first time... hearing your heartbeat... watching you grow on the inside (and me grow on the outside, unfortunately)... feeling you move around, kick, hiccup, squirm, flutter... it's all been overwhelming, uncomfortable, scary, and exciting, but most of all an absolute miracle.

Dr. E said that I'm 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced at today's check up... which means that you are getting ready for Phase 2 and so am I.
I'm ready... I think... for the most part... are you?
Today marks 38 weeks and two days that you've lived in my belly.
We have 13 days until our due date.
It's been an amazing journey with you - starting with my magical ability to make two pink lines appear on multiple home pregnancy tests... seeing your tiny little pea shaped body on the ultrasound machine for the first time... hearing your heartbeat... watching you grow on the inside (and me grow on the outside, unfortunately)... feeling you move around, kick, hiccup, squirm, flutter... it's all been overwhelming, uncomfortable, scary, and exciting, but most of all an absolute miracle.

Dr. E said that I'm 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced at today's check up... which means that you are getting ready for Phase 2 and so am I.
I'm ready... I think... for the most part... are you?

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Gettin' Ready!
Man o man, only two weeks until the arrival of Chuy, The Amazing Outside Baby!
Or it could be three weeks...Dr. E says he'll give it a whole week past the due date before inducing labor, much to The Wife's displeasure and discomfort.
There's so much to do to get ready for Chuy...Let's see...
We've set up the crib, the car seat, and the stroller...we've purchased diapers, bottles, baby pants, sheets, towels, bibs and a ton of other stuff...but it feels like I'm forgetting something....
Oh snap! I gotta' organize my comic collection! We can't have a jumbled mess o' comic books in the house! What happens when it's time to teach Chuy some life lessons according to the Silver Age and my Amazing Spiderman is mixed in with my Justice League Of America?!

Luckily, all my funny books are in these handy short boxes (and mostly in alphabetical order already)...I got rid of all my bulky long boxes years ago when I finally trimmed some fat off my collection (I'm looking at you, everything drawn by Rob Liefeld).
It was fun going through my collection again and wondering just what heroes and villains my little buddy will be into. What artists will inspire him to draw? Will he prefer Marvel or DC? And most importantly, will he realize that Thor, Frog Of Thunder was quite possibly the most awesome idea Walt Simonson ever came up with?

I know it's still a ways away before Chuy can fully appreciate what comic books have to offer...but thanks to my Virgo tendencies, this collection is ready!

Now, let's whip that record collection into shape...
Or it could be three weeks...Dr. E says he'll give it a whole week past the due date before inducing labor, much to The Wife's displeasure and discomfort.
There's so much to do to get ready for Chuy...Let's see...
We've set up the crib, the car seat, and the stroller...we've purchased diapers, bottles, baby pants, sheets, towels, bibs and a ton of other stuff...but it feels like I'm forgetting something....
Oh snap! I gotta' organize my comic collection! We can't have a jumbled mess o' comic books in the house! What happens when it's time to teach Chuy some life lessons according to the Silver Age and my Amazing Spiderman is mixed in with my Justice League Of America?!
Luckily, all my funny books are in these handy short boxes (and mostly in alphabetical order already)...I got rid of all my bulky long boxes years ago when I finally trimmed some fat off my collection (I'm looking at you, everything drawn by Rob Liefeld).
It was fun going through my collection again and wondering just what heroes and villains my little buddy will be into. What artists will inspire him to draw? Will he prefer Marvel or DC? And most importantly, will he realize that Thor, Frog Of Thunder was quite possibly the most awesome idea Walt Simonson ever came up with?
I know it's still a ways away before Chuy can fully appreciate what comic books have to offer...but thanks to my Virgo tendencies, this collection is ready!
Now, let's whip that record collection into shape...
baby gear,
comic books,
silver age,
Thor Frog of Thunder
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
37 Weeks!
Dear Chuy,

Dr. E said that you are fully cooked and can go ahead and come on out whenever you feel like it.
Your father and I have discussed, and we too think that it's totally cool for you to make your move...

I know, I know, we've spent the last few months telling you every day to stay in there, cook good, etc... but you done did all that, so, now it's time...

Dr. E said that you are fully cooked and can go ahead and come on out whenever you feel like it.
Your father and I have discussed, and we too think that it's totally cool for you to make your move...

I know, I know, we've spent the last few months telling you every day to stay in there, cook good, etc... but you done did all that, so, now it's time...

Friday, May 15, 2009
Do the Stanky Legg
Recently, I was waiting in the truck as the Hubs ran into the store real quick and a song came on the radio...
That's right - Do the Stanky Legg!
Interested in what is involved in doing the Stanky Legg, I listened closely to the lyrics. Turns out, the Stanky Legg is quite involved.
There's doing the actual Stanky Legg itself, then doing the Booty Dew, then dancers are instructed to "Get it... now get it... now get it"... hmmm...
I've noticed that this is Chuy's favorite new dance. Since he has now flipped head down (like the super baby genius that he is), his feet are hanging out near my rib cage... literally... sometimes you can see him pushing one of them out just under - kinda freaky looking... definitely Doin the Stanky Legg!
Upon further investigation of Chuy's favorite dance, turns out the dudes responsible for bringing the Stanky Legg to the masses, the GS Boyz, are from Dallas - also known as my home town... holla!
MTV News.com recently did an interview with the GS Boyz as to the origin of the Stanky Legg... here's what they had to say...
"He started doing his leg, like that," Southside said, explaining the motion where his partner Prince started rotating his leg in front of him, the way you would twist your foot to put out cigarette, except using the whole leg. "I was like, 'Hey, that looks stanky.'" And the Stanky Legg was born.
There are many many You Tube videos of people doing the Stanky Legg in their living rooms and kitchens, but the best, by far, is the video of Soso Deff n Aleia So Phresh doin the Stanky Legg...
Let's watch...
So, the next time you're wondering what it's like to have a 6+ pound baby hanging out in your belly... now you know! It's kinda like he's doin the Stanky Legg!
That's right - Do the Stanky Legg!
Interested in what is involved in doing the Stanky Legg, I listened closely to the lyrics. Turns out, the Stanky Legg is quite involved.
There's doing the actual Stanky Legg itself, then doing the Booty Dew, then dancers are instructed to "Get it... now get it... now get it"... hmmm...
I've noticed that this is Chuy's favorite new dance. Since he has now flipped head down (like the super baby genius that he is), his feet are hanging out near my rib cage... literally... sometimes you can see him pushing one of them out just under - kinda freaky looking... definitely Doin the Stanky Legg!
Upon further investigation of Chuy's favorite dance, turns out the dudes responsible for bringing the Stanky Legg to the masses, the GS Boyz, are from Dallas - also known as my home town... holla!
MTV News.com recently did an interview with the GS Boyz as to the origin of the Stanky Legg... here's what they had to say...
"He started doing his leg, like that," Southside said, explaining the motion where his partner Prince started rotating his leg in front of him, the way you would twist your foot to put out cigarette, except using the whole leg. "I was like, 'Hey, that looks stanky.'" And the Stanky Legg was born.
There are many many You Tube videos of people doing the Stanky Legg in their living rooms and kitchens, but the best, by far, is the video of Soso Deff n Aleia So Phresh doin the Stanky Legg...
Let's watch...
So, the next time you're wondering what it's like to have a 6+ pound baby hanging out in your belly... now you know! It's kinda like he's doin the Stanky Legg!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Baby Bibs!
In an on going effort to make sure that the cobbler's kid has shoes, I've tried to make sure Chuy gets to have at least a few handmade-by-me items in his stash of stuff...
One idea that The Hubs and I most recently tried our hand at was one that we participated in at our friends Vickie and Dave's baby shower a couple months ago...
Stenciled baby bibs!
Thanks to the awesomeness that is Ed Roth's Stecil 101, stenciling has never been easier or more fun...

Check it out...
Me working a deer bib...

The Hubs getting in on the crafty action...

We stenciled on plain muslin as well as patterned fabric (which I have yet to sew into bibs... the couch and Oprah always tend to win that contest)...
I used a bib that I received as a present as my pattern and used velcro to make the closure at the top...
All in all, I think they turned out really cute...

More pics soon when the patterned fabric ones finally are complete!
One idea that The Hubs and I most recently tried our hand at was one that we participated in at our friends Vickie and Dave's baby shower a couple months ago...
Stenciled baby bibs!
Thanks to the awesomeness that is Ed Roth's Stecil 101, stenciling has never been easier or more fun...

Check it out...
Me working a deer bib...

The Hubs getting in on the crafty action...

We stenciled on plain muslin as well as patterned fabric (which I have yet to sew into bibs... the couch and Oprah always tend to win that contest)...
I used a bib that I received as a present as my pattern and used velcro to make the closure at the top...
All in all, I think they turned out really cute...

More pics soon when the patterned fabric ones finally are complete!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
36 Weeks!
My belly button hurts.

Dear Chuy,
It is 28 days until your due date. We had our 36 weeks Doctor appt. yesterday and he said all looked great! I'm 60% effaced with no dilation, but Dr. E said that if you were to decide to show up tonight, that would be fine and you would be in good shape. Not to put the pressure on or anything, but it sure is hot outside and your feet are none too comfortable wedged inbetween my ribs...

I will say, though, that I would rather give birth to a Gemini than a Taurus, so, I guess if you want to wait until after the 22nd of May, that's okay with me too.
What's most important is that once it's time, you get down to business and get up out of there - no dilly dally... you hear me, boy?

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mr. Canacorn: Exposed!
I was totally called out today on Awesomeness (NSFW)...by a kid.
It was all because of my thoughts on this video by brokeNCYDE...it's called FREAKXXX:
I'm not going to go into what I though about it here, but you can read my original (totally safe for work) post, brokeNCYDE…Good For The Kids?, if you want some perspective on sydney :)'s response.
Here it is:
sydney :) Says:
May 10, 2009 at 3:14 pm
"I’m a KID. and Brokencyde is not dumb music.. for “dumb” kids. your just too old to be listening to it.. so just get over yourself. Second they do NOT look like assholes. I met them last week with my MOM. They are some of the sweetest guys I have ever met in my life. They alll bangin. Your obviously too old to know whats going on in the world anymore =)"
The Wife thinks all this is totally hilarious.
I think this is a good wake up call for what the future has in store for me once Chuy is a teenager....oh, and no matter what sydney :) says, I still think they look like a gaggle of assholes.
It was all because of my thoughts on this video by brokeNCYDE...it's called FREAKXXX:
I'm not going to go into what I though about it here, but you can read my original (totally safe for work) post, brokeNCYDE…Good For The Kids?, if you want some perspective on sydney :)'s response.
Here it is:
sydney :) Says:
May 10, 2009 at 3:14 pm
"I’m a KID. and Brokencyde is not dumb music.. for “dumb” kids. your just too old to be listening to it.. so just get over yourself. Second they do NOT look like assholes. I met them last week with my MOM. They are some of the sweetest guys I have ever met in my life. They alll bangin. Your obviously too old to know whats going on in the world anymore =)"
The Wife thinks all this is totally hilarious.
I think this is a good wake up call for what the future has in store for me once Chuy is a teenager....oh, and no matter what sydney :) says, I still think they look like a gaggle of assholes.
I'm not cool,
too old
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Time to move the bassinet...
We've been keeping the bassinet that our dear friends gifted us in the garage since we got it - to keep cats from sleeping in it...
Last night, we came home after seeing a movie to find this in our garage...

That's right - a big giant SNAKE! In our garage! Hanging out around our baby's bassinet! Not cool!
I've been wondering when the right time to bring the bassinet into the house would be... looks like that would be now-ish...
Last night, we came home after seeing a movie to find this in our garage...

That's right - a big giant SNAKE! In our garage! Hanging out around our baby's bassinet! Not cool!
I've been wondering when the right time to bring the bassinet into the house would be... looks like that would be now-ish...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
35 Weeks!

5 more weeks to go... 35 days... seems so short... seems like forever...
I can't believe that in little more than a month, give or take, little Chuy will be paroled and we will finally be onto the next phase of our lives - being his parents!

I think pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks for a couple reasons - one, obviously, is to grow a baby... but the other is to give said baby's parents around 10 months - almost a whole year - to get used to the idea of being somebody's mom or dad - and not only that, but to be so excited by the thought that they just can't stand to have baby in the belly one moment longer than he needs to be in there.
This is where I'm at this week - I'm so ready to have my little guy on the outside I can barely stand it... hurry up 35 days... I'm ready!

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