5 more weeks to go... 35 days... seems so short... seems like forever...
I can't believe that in little more than a month, give or take, little Chuy will be paroled and we will finally be onto the next phase of our lives - being his parents!

I think pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks for a couple reasons - one, obviously, is to grow a baby... but the other is to give said baby's parents around 10 months - almost a whole year - to get used to the idea of being somebody's mom or dad - and not only that, but to be so excited by the thought that they just can't stand to have baby in the belly one moment longer than he needs to be in there.
This is where I'm at this week - I'm so ready to have my little guy on the outside I can barely stand it... hurry up 35 days... I'm ready!

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