My belly button hurts.

Dear Chuy,
It is 28 days until your due date. We had our 36 weeks Doctor appt. yesterday and he said all looked great! I'm 60% effaced with no dilation, but Dr. E said that if you were to decide to show up tonight, that would be fine and you would be in good shape. Not to put the pressure on or anything, but it sure is hot outside and your feet are none too comfortable wedged inbetween my ribs...

I will say, though, that I would rather give birth to a Gemini than a Taurus, so, I guess if you want to wait until after the 22nd of May, that's okay with me too.
What's most important is that once it's time, you get down to business and get up out of there - no dilly dally... you hear me, boy?

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