Friday, May 15, 2009

Do the Stanky Legg

Recently, I was waiting in the truck as the Hubs ran into the store real quick and a song came on the radio...

That's right - Do the Stanky Legg!

Interested in what is involved in doing the Stanky Legg, I listened closely to the lyrics. Turns out, the Stanky Legg is quite involved.

There's doing the actual Stanky Legg itself, then doing the Booty Dew, then dancers are instructed to "Get it... now get it... now get it"... hmmm...

I've noticed that this is Chuy's favorite new dance. Since he has now flipped head down (like the super baby genius that he is), his feet are hanging out near my rib cage... literally... sometimes you can see him pushing one of them out just under - kinda freaky looking... definitely Doin the Stanky Legg!

Upon further investigation of Chuy's favorite dance, turns out the dudes responsible for bringing the Stanky Legg to the masses, the GS Boyz, are from Dallas - also known as my home town... holla!

MTV recently did an interview with the GS Boyz as to the origin of the Stanky Legg... here's what they had to say...

"He started doing his leg, like that," Southside said, explaining the motion where his partner Prince started rotating his leg in front of him, the way you would twist your foot to put out cigarette, except using the whole leg. "I was like, 'Hey, that looks stanky.'" And the Stanky Legg was born.

There are many many You Tube videos of people doing the Stanky Legg in their living rooms and kitchens, but the best, by far, is the video of Soso Deff n Aleia So Phresh doin the Stanky Legg...

Let's watch...

So, the next time you're wondering what it's like to have a 6+ pound baby hanging out in your belly... now you know! It's kinda like he's doin the Stanky Legg!

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